TPgLargeObject Members

TPgLargeObject class overview.


Name Description

AsString (inherited from TBlob)

Used to manipulate BLOB value as string.

AsWideString (inherited from TBlob)

Used to manipulate BLOB value as Unicode string.

Cached (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Used to specify whether the content of large object should be stored in memory buffer on the client.

Compressed (inherited from TCompressedBlob)

Used to indicate if the Blob is compressed.

CompressedSize (inherited from TCompressedBlob)

Used to indicate compressed size of the Blob data.


Connection used to read and write value of large object.

IsUnicode (inherited from TBlob)

Gives choice of making TBlob store and process data in Unicode format or not.

OID (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Holds the OID of a large object.

RefCount (inherited from TSharedObject)

Used to return the count of reference to a TSharedObject object.

Size (inherited from TBlob)

Used to learn the size of the TBlob value in bytes.


Name Description

AddRef (inherited from TSharedObject)

Increments the reference count for the number of references dependent on the TSharedObject object.

Assign (inherited from TBlob)

Sets BLOB value from another TBlob object.

Clear (inherited from TBlob)

Deletes the current value in TBlob object.

CloseObject (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Closes the large object that was previously opened by the OpenObject method.

CreateObject (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Creates a new large object database.

LoadFromFile (inherited from TBlob)

Loads the contents of a file into a TBlob object.

LoadFromStream (inherited from TBlob)

Copies the contents of a stream into the TBlob object.

OpenObject (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Opens the large object specified by the OID property.

Read (inherited from TBlob)

Acquires a raw sequence of bytes from the data stored in TBlob.

ReadBlob (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Reads the content of the large object from the database.

Release (inherited from TSharedObject)

Decrements the reference count.

SaveToFile (inherited from TBlob)

Saves the contents of the TBlob object to a file.

SaveToStream (inherited from TBlob)

Copies the contents of a TBlob object to a stream.

Truncate (inherited from TBlob)

Sets new TBlob size and discards all data over it.

UnlinkObject (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Deletes the large object specified by the OID property from the database.

Write (inherited from TBlob)

Stores a raw sequence of bytes into a TBlob object.

WriteBlob (inherited from TPgSQLLargeObject)

Writes the content of the large object to the database.
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